Generally, I am the one visiting the aircraft, but just every once in awhile the aircraft visit me. This is Boeing's newest iteration of the venerable 747. This particular one is the freighter version that has been testing at Moses Lake. Boeing has a significant presence at Grant County International Airport. If you are interested in seeing more going's on at Boeing you can visit Matt Cawby's blog covering what goes on at Paine Field in Everett, Washington. Boeing's Paine Field facility is busy and sometimes hosts the 747-800.
The company boasts that this 747 uses 787 engine technology and is therefore quieter than previous 747 models. It may be quieter than previous models, but it sure got my attention when it flew over yesterday. It is 250 feet in length and almost the same in wingspan. That is no small airframe to be carting around the skies. It's going to make some noise no matter what.
Also, last Friday an EA-18G visited...he didn't stick around long.
No, this doesn't quite qualify as history, but it is of local and aviation interest.